Endeavor News & Events

Endeavor nationally recognized for internet speed

Originally published August 12, 2019 on Banner Graphic.

BroadbandNow’s 2019 Internet Provider Awards recently named Endeavor Communications as the winner of two state and two national honors in the Small Provider Category.

At the state level, Endeavor took the title of #1 Fastest Internet Provider in Indiana, as well as #1 Fastest Fiber Provider. Nationally, Endeavor now ranks as one of the Top 10 Fastest Fiber Providers and received recognition from BroadbandNow for having one of the Top Internet Speeds nationwide.

It has been nearly a year since Endeavor set out to gain recognition from BroadbandNow, and today there is an entire page on its website dedicated to the cooperative’s success. On the site, customers can read through the Endeavor overview, conduct download speed and latency tests and browse through or write customer reviews.

Endeavor’s team insists it’s their customers that truly provide an invaluable service by inspiring them to excel in their everyday work.

“Hearing the stories of how families use multiple devices with no hiccups always motivates us,” said Dennis Johnson, senior manager of broadband services at Endeavor.

The Endeavor team professes that the company is eager to empower even the most rural customers with its now-nationally recognized services.

President and CEO Darin LaCoursiere feels confident this newfound credit means Endeavor Communications is moving in the right direction.

“We will focus on continued excellence to provide great services and products,” LaCoursiere said. “Thank you to all who have participated in making us the fastest provider under 50,000 customers in Indiana.”

To read more about Endeavor’s awards and statistics, visit https://broadbandnow.com/Endeavor-Communications.

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