Residential Phone Useful Links

New Indiana (930) & (463) Area Code Information

The areas serving (812) is quickly running out of numbers. To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, a new (930) area code has been being added. Calls that were local will still be local; there are no changes to the coverage area or other rates. What changed is the 10-digit number will need to be dialed.

A new (463) area code has also been added to the current area served by the (317) area code region, which covers Indianapolis and most of its suburbs.

The biggest change to note is that all calls made within these area codes must be completed by dialing the area code + the 7-digit telephone number. This includes local calls.

Interstate Tariff Information

For Interstate Tariff Information, click here.

Country Codes


Country Code Country Code
Acsension Island 247 Argentina 54
Albania 355 Armenia 374
Algeria 213 Aruba 297
American Samoa 684 Australia 61
Andorra 376 Australia (Mobile) 614
Anguilla 0 Australia (Mobile) 615
Angola 244 Austria 43
Antartica Scott Base 64240 Austria (Mobile) 436
Antartica Casey Base 67212 Azerbaijan 994
Antigua 0


Country Code Country Code
Bahamas 0 Bolivia 591
Bahrain 973 Bolivia (Mobile) 5917
Bangladesh 880 Bosnia/Herzegovina 387
Bangladesh (Mobile) 8801 Botswana 267
Barbados 0 Brazil 55
Belarus 375 Brazil (Mobile) 551
Belgium 32 Brazil (Mobile) 5511
Belgium (Mobile) 321 British Virgin Islands 0
Belgium (Mobile) 324 Brunei 673
Belize 501 Bulgaria 359
Benin 229 Burkina Faso 226
Bermuda 0 Burundi 257
Bhutan 975


Country Code Country Code
Cambodia 855 Cocos Island 6722
Cameroon 237 Colombia 57
Canada 0 Comoros Island 269
Cape Verde Island 238 Cook Islands 682
Cayman Islands 0 Costa Rica 506
Central African Republic 236 Croatia 385
Chad Republic 235 Cuba (Guantanamo Bay) 53
Chile 56 Cyprus 357
China 86 Czech Republic 420
China (Mobile) 861 Czech (Mobile) 4207
Christmas Island 6724


Country Code Country Code
Denmark 45 Dominica 0
Diego Garcia 246 Dominican Republic 0


Country Code Country Code
Ecuador 593 Eritrea 291
Egypt 20 Estonia 372
El Salvador 503 Ethiopia 251
Equatorial Guinea 240


Country Code Country Code
Faeroe Island 298 France 33
Falklands 500 French Antilles 596
Fiji Islands 679 (Martinique) 594
Finland 358 French Guiana 689
Finland (Mobile) 3584 French Polynesia


Country Code Country Code
Gabon Republic 241 Greenland 299
Gambia 220 Grenada 0
Georgia 995 Guadeloupe 590
Germany 49 Guam 671
Germany (Mobile) 491 Guantanamo Bay 539
Germany (Mobile) 497 Guatemala 502
Ghana 233 Guinea Bissau 245
Gibraltar 350 Guinea Republic 224
Global Mobile 8816 Guyana 592
Greece 30


Country Code Country Code
Haiti 509 Hong Kong 852
Herzegovina/Bosnia 387 Hungary 36
Honduras 504 Hungary (Mobile) 363


Country Code Country Code
Iceland 354 Ireland 353
India 91 Ireland (Mobile) 3538
India (Mobile) 919 Israel 972
Indonesia 62 Italy 39
Iran 98 Italy (Mobile) 393
Iraq 964 Ivory Coast 225


Country Code Country Code
Jamaica 0 Japan (Mobile) 816
Japan 81 Japan (Mobile) 817
Japan (Mobile) 812 Japan (Mobile) 818
Japan (Mobile) 813 Japan (Mobile) 819
Japan (Mobile) 814 Jordan 962
Japan (Mobile) 815


Country Code Country Code
Kazakhstan 731 Kazakhstan (Mobile) 7338
Kazakhstan 732 Kenya 254
Kazakhstan (Mobile) 7330 Kiribati 686
Kazakhstan (Mobile) 7336 Kuwait 965


Country Code Country Code
Laos 856 Libya 218
Latvia 371 Liechtenstein 423
Lebanon 961 Liechtenstein (Mobile) 4175
Lesotho 266 Lithuania 370
Liberia 231 Luxembourg 352


Country Code Country Code
Macedonia 389 Mauritania 222
Macedonia (Mobile) 3897 Mauritius 230
Macao 853 Mayotte 2696
Madagascar 261 Mexico 52
Malawi 265 Mexico Blend 521
Malaysia 60 Micronesia 691
Maldives 960 Moldova 373
Mali Republic 223 Monaco 377
Malta 356 Mongolian Republic 976
Mari sat (Atlantic East) 871 Montserrat 0
Mari sat (Atlantic West) 874 Morocco 212
Mari sat (Indian) 873 Mozambique 258
Mari sat (Pacific) 872 Myanmar 95
Marshall Islands 692


Country Code Country Code
Namibia 264 Nicaragua 505
Nauru 674 Nigeria 234
Nepal 977 Niger Republic 227
Netherlands 31 Niue Island 683
Netherlands Antilles 599 North Korea DPR 850
New Caledonia 687 Norway 47
New Zealand 64 Norway (Mobile) 479
New Zealand (Mobile) 642


Country Code Country Code
Oman 968 Oman (Mobile) 9689


Country Code Country Code
Pakistan 92 Peru (Mobile) 513
Palau 680 Peru (Mobile) 517
Panama 507 Philippines 63
Papua New Guinea 675 Philippines (Mobile) 639
Paraguay 595 Poland 48
Peru 51 Portugal 351
Peru (Mobile) 511


Country Code Country Code
Qatar 974


Country Code Country Code
Romania 40 Russia 75
Reunion Island 262 Russia 76
Russia 70 Russia 77
Russia 71 Russia 78
Russia 72 Russia 79
Russia 73 Rwanda 250
Russia 74


Country Code Country Code
Sao Tome 239 South Korea (Mobile) 821
San Marino 378 South Korea Republic 82
Satmara AE 8711 Spain 34
Satmara AW 8741 Sri Lanka 94
Satmara IO 8731 St. Helena 290
Satmara PO 8721 St. Kitts/Nevis 0
Saudi Arabia 966 St. Lucia 0
Senegal 221 St. Pierre & Miq 508
Sierra Leone 232 St. Vincent 0
Singapore 65 Sudan 249
Slovakia 421 Suriname 597
Slovenia 386 Swaziland 268
Solomon Islands 677 Sweden 46
Somalia 252 Sweden (Mobile) 467
South Africa 27 Switzerland 41
South Africa Johannesburg 271 Switzerland (Mobile) 417
South Africa (Mobile) 277 Syria 963


Country Code Country Code
Taiwan 886 Tunisia 216
Tajikistan 7364 Turkey 90
Tanzania 255 Turkey (Mobile) 905
Thailand 66 Turkmenistan 993
Togo Republic 228 Turks & Caicos 0
Tonga Islands 676 Tuvalu 688
Trinidad/Tobago 0


Country Code Country Code
Uganda 256 Uzbekistan 7367
Ukraine 380 Uzbekistan 7368
United Arab Emirates 971 Uzbekistan 7369
United Kingdom 44 Uzbekistan 7371
Uruguay 598 Uzbekistan 7372
Uzbekistan 743 Uzbekistan 7373
Uzbekistan 7361 Uzbekistan 7374
Uzbekistan 7362 Uzbekistan 7375
Uzbekistan 7365 Uzbekistan 7376
Uzbekistan 7366


Country Code Country Code
Vatican City 379 Venezuela Caracas 84
Vanuatu 678 Venezuela (Mobile) 582
Venezuela 58 Vietnam 584


Country Code Country Code
Wallis & Fortuna Island 681 Western Samoa 685


Country Code Country Code
Yemen Republic 967 Yugoslavia 381


Country Code Country Code
Zaire 243 Zimbabwe 263
Zambia 260
Extended Area Service
Mt. Meridian 526* Dial Directory Number Cloverdale 795* Dial Directory Number
Eminence 528* Dial Directory Number Coatesville 386* Dial Directory Number
Reelsville 672* Dial Directory Number Eminence 528* Dial Directory Number
Poland 986* Dial Directory Number Fillmore 246* Dial Directory Number
Gosport 879* Dial Directory Number Amo-Clayton 539* Dial Directory Number
Mt. Meridian 526* Dial Directory Number Poland 986* Dial Directory Number
Fillmore 246* Dial Directory Number Clay City 939* Dial Directory Number
Bainbridge 522* Dial Directory Number Spencer 828*, 829 Dial Directory Number
Amo-Clayton 539* Dial Directory Number
Cloverdale 795* Dial Directory Number Reelsville 672* Dial Directory Number
Monrovia 996* Dial Directory Number Cloverdale 795* Dial Directory Number
Mt.Meridian 526* Dial Directory Number Patricksburg 859* Dial Directory Number
Gosport 879* Dial Directory Number
Martinsville 342, 349, 352* Dial Directory Number
Paragon 537* Dial Directory Number
Cloverdale 795* Dial Directory Number
Poland 986* Dial Directory Number
Eminence 528* Dial Directory Number Plainfield 317-204* Dial Directory Number
Danville 317-451* Dial Directory Number 317-272
317-563* 317-406*
317-718* 317-707*
317-745 317-837
Amo-Clayton 317-539* Dial Directory Number 317-838
Martinsville 765-342 Dial Directory Number 317-839
765-349 West Newton 317-455* Dial Directory Number
765-352* 317-821*
Mooresville 317-210* Dial Directory Number 317-830*
317-381 317-856
Indianapolis See detailed listing Dial Directory Number
202* 274 444* 638 876
205* 275 453* 639 879*
209* 276 454* 644* 880
212 277 464* 651 890
216 278 465 655 895
217* 280* 466 656* 897
221* 282* 469* 673 898
222* 283* 470 681* 899*
224* 285* 471* 682* 916
226 287* 475* 684* 917
227* 290 479* 685 920
228* 291 481 686 921*
229* 293 484* 687* 923
231* 295* 486* 692* 924
232 297 487* 693* 925
233 298 488* 704* 926
234 299 492* 713 927*
236* 306* 510 715 929*
237 308* 524* 722* 931*
238* 321 532* 724* 937*
239 322 541 726* 940
240 327 542* 731* 941*
241 328 543* 735* 945*
242* 329 544* 756* 951
243 334* 545 757* 955
244 337 546 761 956*
246* 338 547 767* 962
247 347 549* 780 963
248 351 554* 781 964*
251 352* 562 782* 968*
252* 353* 568 783 971
253 354* 583 784 972
254 355 591* 786 974*
255 356 592 787 977
257 357 610* 788 988
259 358* 612* 789*
260* 359 613* 791
261* 375* 614* 802*
262 377* 615* 803*
263* 381* 624* 822*
264* 383* 630 824*
265 387 631 833*
266* 388* 632 869*
267* 390* 633 870*
269* 415* 634 871*
270* 423 635 872
271 429* 636 874*
273* 433 637 875*
Preferred Carrier Freeze (PIC)

In today’s competitive telecommunications environment, the problem of “slamming” is an increasing issue. This is a process by which the long distance companies chosen by the subscriber are changed without their consent. Following the divestiture of AT&T Corporation in 1984, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gave consumers the right to choose any long distance carrier they wanted. It also prohibited phone companies from verifying any changes. This opened the door to deceptive marketing schemes. The result is that many carriers have found ways to move your long distance service to their company.

In order to minimize the expense and inconvenience to our customers caused by “slamming,” Endeavor Communications offers our subscribers the additional protection of “freezing” their long distance accounts. Customers may freeze the carrier providing any or all services; however, FCC rules require us to have a separate authorization for each service. A separate authorization is required for each service for which you request a freeze. The listing on the authorization form refers to the following:

IntraLATA toll – long distance calls placed to points within your LATA
InterLATA toll – long distance calls to places outside this area
International toll – toll calls to places outside of the United States, it’s Territories and possessions.
If you choose to order a preferred carrier freeze, Endeavor Communications will not change the carrier providing service without your direct authorization. This means that before you or anyone else changes your specified carrier, one of the following must occur:

You authorize Endeavor Communications in writing to lift the freeze for the particular service.
You orally request Endeavor Communications to lift the freeze from the telephone line for which the change is to be made. This telephone call may be on a three-way conference call with the carrier to which you are changing the service and a representative of Endeavor Communications.
We will ask for identifying information during this call.
These actions are required by the FCC in addition to the FCC’s verification procedures for changing a preferred carrier. In some circumstances, a long distance carrier may change your preferred carrier to or from another long distance company which resells the service of that carrier. Endeavor Communications has no way of preventing these changes under the current FCC rules.

There is no charge for establishing a Preferred Carrier Freeze or for lifting the freeze. The charge for changing carriers for any service is $5.50. There is no charge to change to Endeavor Communications Long Distance. Please call Endeavor Communications Toll-Free at 1-800-922-6677 or 765-795-4261 with any questions.

Preferred Carrier Freeze (PIC) Authorization Form (PDF)


What is CPNI?
Customer Proprietary Network Information or “CPNI” is the data collected by telecommunications carriers about a customer’s telephone service and usage. It includes the time, date, duration, and destination or origination number of each call, the type of services and rate plans to which a customer subscribes, and any other information that appears on the customer’s telephone bill.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires telecommunications service providers and interconnected VOIP providers to file a certification each year stating whether they are in compliance with the FCC’s CPNI rules. The certification must include a statement demonstrating compliance in specific categories.

In general, carriers must obtain a customer’s approval to use their information for purposes unrelated to the provision of service, although in some cases the approval can be assumed unless the customer “opts out” of the use of their information. In cases of access to data that is personally identifiable, such as names and addresses, customer approval is generally always required and customers are never deemed to have automatically “opted-in.”

CPNI Administration at Endeavor
Endeavor Communications has always respected your privacy and observed the privacy rules established by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The FCC has increased the security measures we must take to protect your records with us. For this reason, we require each customer to create a password for his/her account.

The password that you chose during the initial account setup should be something unique that only the authorized persons on your account know. Again, these measures are being taken to ensure the security of the information that we, as your telecommunications provider, have in our records. We will never sell your account information or provide details of your telephone calls to other parties unless required by law enforcement.

Occasionally, we would like to notify you of additional products available from us outside the existing business relationship we currently have with you. For example, if you have our telephone service, you may be interested to learn about promotions and packaging we have for our high speed internet and television services. We also want to be able to update you on the Fiber Optics, and tell you when it is available in your area. However, you have the right to be excluded from these marketing notifi cations and updates.

If it is acceptable to receive information from Endeavor about additional products and services, you need to do nothing. If you prefer to be excluded from these company updates and marketing efforts, please complete, sign, and return the CPNI Opt Out Form, and we will not include you in any targetedmarketing programs. Nothing about the services you receive from Endeavor Communications will be impacted by your decision.

Please call a Customer Service Representative with any questions at 1.800.922.6677.

CPNI Opt Out Form (PDF)

Lifeline & Toll Limitation Services

Lifeline, Toll Limitation Services

This is a service that provides discounts to eligible low income consumers helping them establish and maintain telephone and or broadband internet access service (BIAS).


Lowers the cost of basic monthly local telephone or BIAS service. Eligible consumers can receive up to $9.25 per month in discounts. Lifeline is available for one telephone line or BIAS per eligible household. A household is everyone (including children and people who are not related to you) who lives in your home and shares income and household expenses. If there are multiple subscribers at one address, please refer to the household worksheet, which is available at . The federal lifeline support is paid entirely by the federal lifeline program. This service is not transferable and only eligible customers may enroll in the program.

Service Information:

Though there are no limitations on number of local minutes provided as a part of the plan, additional toll charges may apply for long-distance calls. This limitation supports eligible consumers who wish to avoid incurring large long distance fees by choosing toll blocking or toll control at no cost. If toll limitations are not added, additional charges will apply for long-distance calls.

BIAS minimum speed and usage allowance standards are required for the service to qualify.

Lifeline recipients may transfer the Lifeline benefit to a new company once every sixty days for telephone service and once every 12 months for BIAS.


Eligibility Guidelines:

Eligibility for Lifeline and Toll Limitation Service varies state by state. Individuals may be eligible for these programs if they participate in one of the following programs:

  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA) or Section 8
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps
  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Veteran’s Pension and Survivor Benefit

Lifeline applicants must present documentation demonstrating eligibility either through participation in one of the qualifying federal assistance programs or through income-based means.

Acceptable documentation of program-based eligibility includes: current or prior year’s statement of benefits from a qualifying state, federal or Tribal program; notice letter of participation in a qualifying state, federal or Tribal program; program participation documents; or another official document evidencing the consumer’s participation in a qualifying state, federal or Tribal program.


2017 Federal Poverty Guidelines

Family Size Income
1 $16,281
2 $21,924
3 $27,567
4 $33,210
5 $38,853
6 $44,496
7 $50,139
8 $55,782
For each additional
person, add

To apply for these services interested customers should call 1-888-587-7034 . For additional information about these programs, please visit the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC) website at .