Endeavor News & Events

A Future of Remote Education

Since March, students across the nation and around the world have struggled to work within new environments. Thousands of college campuses shut down in the span of days, high school trips were cancelled, and elementary faculty worked diligently to teach remotely.

At-home education has its perks. Assignments can be started and completed in the comfort of our living rooms, taking breaks could mean walking the dog or getting the dishes washed, and a cozy nap is only steps away instead of miles.

For many households though, the transition to remote education has been difficult and stressful.

The inability to access at-home WiFi connection left families with nowhere to turn in a time when it was needed most. To see the stats and affects, read our blog, “What’s the WiFi Password?”

In response to the need for easy access to e-learning opportunities, Governor Holcomb recently announced that grant funding of $61.6 million is available through the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief program. K-12 public and charter schools, accredited private schools and higher education institutions are all able to apply for funding.

The funding is based on need and broken down into three main categories.

  1. Device availability
  2. Connectivity
  3. Educator Capacity

Supporting the transition to remote learning, aiding in closing regional internet gaps, and partnering with institutions to continue innovating online studies are the main factors that go into each funding area.

“Teachers, administrators and superintendents have faced this pandemic with innovative solutions to ensure our students continue to receive the best education possible,” Governor Holcomb said.

“What’s happening in our region?”

According to a recent Banner Graphic article, both North and South Putnam schools have handed given information to access public WiFi hot spots in various areas. And here in Cloverdale . . . “an active presence in the community filled the need,” according to writer Brand Selvia.

Endeavor was recognized by the Cloverdale School Board and Superintendent Greg Linton for aiding internet connection for students and families in the surrounding area over the course of in-person school closings.

CEO Darin LaCoursiere and Campaign Coordinator Kathy Morgan received a plaque on behalf of Endeavor’s commitment to the local community.

Since implementing e-learning into each school systems is overwhelming, Endeavor stepped up and asked to help wherever needed.

Shortly after, 65 new users in Cloverdale were able to have free internet access throughout the course of quarantine restrictions.

“There is nothing more important in a small community than the school systems and investing in our youth. We will do anything possible to help them out, especially during times of crisis,” LaCoursiere stated.

With the constant technological advancements in our world, Endeavor is dedicated to providing the very best service possible. Reliable technology for our students, teachers, businessmen and businesswomen is one of our priorities. You are our priority!

Contact us today at 1.800.922.6677 or customer.service@weendeavor.com to learn about our mission and products.