Our Story

Our History

Clay County Rural Telephone Cooperative was incorporated on May 25, 1950 to provide telephone service to small towns and rural areas. Many small exchanges were started in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s that eventually comprised our cooperative.

Cedric Ray, who was one of the charter members and a member of the first Board of Directors, was also the first General Manager of Endeavor Communications, and served in that capacity from 1950 to 1980. Other charter members and members on the first Board of Directors were Virgil Telgemeyer, Lloyd Chastain, Walter Meyer, Eugene Anderson, Oral McCullough, Ray Larkin, and Frederick L. Adamson.

Many area men and women volunteered countless hours to “sign up” their neighbors as members. Between 1955 and 1980, we acquired nine exchanges in an eight county area. We have grown to currently provide service to approximately 9,000 members. We are dedicated to building relationships through technology by offering High Speed Internet, Security Solutions, Residential and Business Phone Services, and Managed IT Solutions. These new additions prompted a name change to reflect our wide variety of services and our extended territories. In 2007 we became Clay County Rural Telephone Cooperative doing business as Endeavor Communications.

Endeavor Board of Directors

Board Room

Cloverdale (795)

Jerry Baysinger

Coatesville (386) 

Jim Ellett

Eminence (528)

Laura Simkins

Monrovia (996)

Pam Kivett

Mt. Meridian (526)

Devin Salsman

Patricksburg (859)

Arnold Hartman

Poland (986)

Doug Youngblood

Reelsville (672) 

Steve Aker

Atlanta (292)

Brad Henderson

To reach a board member, please call 1-800-922-6677.

Community Involvement

How Can We Help?

Looking for donations to your organization or have a project you would like us to be involved in?

We like to help the communities we serve.

Fill out our Donation Request Form and let us know how we can help!

Become a Member

We offer outstanding and reliable service for members of our cooperative.

Urgent Alert: Email Scam Notification We have been informed of fraudulent emails falsely claiming to be from Endeavor Communications, urging customers to upgrade their email accounts. These emails are a scam and are not associated with us. Please do not click any links, share personal information, or respond. Delete the email immediately to protect your security.
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