Top 10 Cybersecurity Tips for Holiday Shopping


For most of us, the holiday season is about friends, family, food—and shopping! Black Friday and Cyber Monday fall just after Thanksgiving in the U.S., but internationally, they are two of the busiest shopping days of the year. Unfortunately, while you’re looking for holiday deals, the bad guys are looking for ways to scam you … Read more

How to Get a $100 Bill Credit


  Do you have a story about how Endeavor has helped your household? Did you suffer from slow buffering speeds before Endeavor came? Constantly fighting the router to give you consistent and reliable internet? Did Endeavor change your experience? If you answered yes, then you are the perfect candidate to share your story for others … Read more

Trusted Third Parties Used as Phish Bait


Working with a third-party organization can be a great help, but what happens if that third party falls victim to a cybersecurity attack? Not only could your organization’s shared data be exposed, but you may become the target of a very unique phishing attack. Once a scammer has access to a third party’s email account, … Read more

Exploiting the Coronavirus: “New Approved Vaccines” Infect Your System with Malware


The COVID19 pandemic has led to many creative phishing attacks such as phony offers for free testing, claims that you have come in contact with an infected person, and even accusations that you have violated health and safety protocols. Scammers have come up with yet another Coronavirus-themed attack. This time, they are taking advantage of … Read more

Simple, yet Effective Vishing Scams


Voice phishing, or “Vishing”, is a phishing attack conducted by phone. This is a classic tactic that bad guys typically use to collect your credit card or financial data, along with other personal information. Here’s an example: You receive a call from someone claiming to be a customer service representative for a specific retailer. They … Read more

Starting School . . . without Internet?

It’s the time of year where kids across the nation are strapping on their backpacks and running out the door. Back-to-school season has arrived! While lots of school systems have decided to go fully online for safety precautions, this has created problems for students with limited internet access. Endeavor is devoted to helping students make … Read more

Lag: The Enemy of Video-Gaming

Humans throughout all time have enjoyed the pleasures of entertainment. Live plays, comedy sketches, dazzling dance routines and the quiet stillness of a good book. Movies, orchestral concerts and visiting the zoo. But let’s not overlook one of the most popular and consistent of them all . . . video-gaming! Avid video gamers average a … Read more

Financial Relief Scam Targeting Organizations


The coronavirus pandemic continues to impact organizations across the globe. This hardship gives cybercriminals the perfect bait: a promise of financial relief. Currently, cybercriminals are impersonating the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) with a very convincing phishing email. While this specific scam targets organizations in the US, this tactic could be used in any … Read more

Choices, Choices


It can be difficult to know which company is most personalized for you. And we know it can be intimidating to take the leap to choose something, hoping it’ll work. But rest assured, there are plenty of opportunities to find the right fit! Deloitte, a service network company, found 69% of people used one or … Read more

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